New rules for LCA of frames, windows and facades available from Jan. 1, 2025

For Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) of frame, window and facade elements, the 'Dutch Supplement to the Product Category Rules NEN-EN 17213' is available. This document is advised by the National Environmental Database as of January 1, 2025 and is mandatory as of July 1, 2025.
Level playing field and European affiliation
This Dutch addition to the European Product Category Rules (PCR) offers companies clarity on principles and designations, tailored to Dutch practice and in line with European standards. The trade organizations within the Circular Facade Economy are thus striving for a level playing field.
It builds on the 'NEN-EN 17213:2020 and: Windows and doors - Environmental product declarations - Product category rules for windows and doors' and EN 15804, the European standard for environmental product declarations: Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs).

Tailored to the Dutch situation within the European context
Whereas the Europe Product Category Rules assume complete products, in the Dutch National Environmental Database sub-product declarations for building products are common. From companies, this led to questions and a request for further clarification. For example, just a door leaf instead of a whole door set or the possibility to declare the glass separately from the window frame.
The supplement was prepared according to the protocol c-PCR of the National Environmental Database, in cooperation with industry associations and on the basis of market consultations and independent reviews.
Temporary solution toward European harmonization
The supplement acts as a temporary solution until harmonization from Europe under the new Construction Products Regulation (CPR).
The full document can be found at under the “Standardization” menu. The Circular Facade Economy Foundation manages the guideline and provides updates and support.
What is the Circulaire Geveleconomie?
The Circulaire Geveleconmie is an initiative of five trade associations in the facade construction industry: the Metal Window and Facade Industry Association (VMRG), the Plastic Facade Elements Industry Association (VKG), Dutch Trade Association for the Carpentry Industry (NBVT), Bouwend Nederland Vakgroep GLAS, Vlakglas Recycling Nederland (VRN) and Algemene Branchevereniging Hang- en Sluitwerk (VHS). Together with the Ministries of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and Infrastructure and Water Management, they signed the 2024 Circular Facade Economy Agreement. With the allocation of an investment from National Growth Fund in the program Future-proof Living Environment for the Circular Facade Economy in 2023, the facade sector is in full swing with the circular ambitions and CO2 reduction.
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