Process database

The NMD Process database includes category 1 & 2 processes as well as generic basic (category 3) processes and semi-finished products for use in LCAs. Relevant processes in the NMD Process database include material production & processing, waste treatment, transportation and energy generation.
Information for LCA practitioners and experts
As an LCA practitioner or expert, you can use the NMD Process database for your analysis. The database is available through a subscription that you can obtain from the Dutch Environmental Database Foundation (NMD Foundation). The NMD Process database is compatible with the SimaPro software tool.
NMD process database subscription
The NMD Process database is managed and maintained by the NMD Foundation. The annual subscription runs from 1 January to 1 January of the following year. The subscription grants access to download the NMD Process database. The responsibility for implementation lies with the subscriber. Interim updates, including new process data and methodological changes, are part of the subscription and are made available as new versions of the NMD Process database.
After you receive the NMD Process database, you can load it into the software tool SimaPro, which is available on a licence basis and provided by Pré Sustainability. For more information on subscribing to SimaPro, please visit their website
Prior to the delivery of the NMD Process database, NMD Foundation always checks for a valid SimaPro subscription .
You can apply for a subscription by completing the application form and the procedure. Download these documents here.
Information for Producers and Manufacturers
The NMD process database is mainly based on the Ecoinvent database, which covers thousands of international processes. As a producer, you have the option to include your own data relating to processes or semi-finished products directly in the NMD Process database as category 1 or 2 data. In this way, the information is made as representative as possible and tailored to the Dutch situation. NMD Foundation makes the final decision on whether your data is eligible for inclusion. The adding of your own data into the NMD process database is free of charge.
Source of International and National Processes
The NMD Process database forms a comprehensive collection of both international and national processes. These data can be used as a basis for preparing environmental declarations in NMD. This offers several advantages:
LCA practitioners can use the NMD process database as an alternative to product-specific process information, in order to create a complete environmental profile of a product
A selection of basic processes from the NMD Process database is used as the basis for generic environmental declarations (category 3)
Supply and validity of Basic processes
In some cases, it is desired to add product-specific process data for the construction of environmental declarations in the NMD. This may be useful, for example, if specific process data, such as industry averages, provide a more accurate picture of environmental performance in practice.
The requirements for adding category 1 & 2 data from semi-finished products and basic generic processes (category 3) in the NMD Process database are described in the accompanying letter.
Processes that meet these requirements can be submitted to NMD Foundation using the questionnaire provided.
Basic processes must be updated periodically, with a validity period of 5 years, just like environmental declarations. Data owners (manfacturers/producers) can have their data updated by submitting a new template.
Frequently asked questions about the Database
Stichting NMD manages both the National Environmental Database (NMD) as well as the NMD Process Database. The NMD is a database filled with environmental declarations. This is the database that is used by the calculation tools to produce ECI and EPD calculations. The NMD Process Database is used as source (to draw up LCAs) for the data included in the environmental declarations in the NMD.
The environmental declarations and basic profiles should be reviewed for timeliness from time to time and then updated as necessary. The same shelf life applies to both with a periodic expiration date of 5 years. After this period, environmental declarations and basic profiles must be updated. This can also be done in the interim, for example after changes in the production process that affect environmental performance. Data owners can have their data changed by submitting a new template.
A background process is a process that affects a producer's or supplier's product, but over which the producer or supplier has no direct influence and which occurs elsewhere in the chain; for example, production of electricity or a raw material.
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