Calculation tools

Calculation tools are online proprietary calculation software used to calculate the environmental performance of construction works based on environmental data in the NMD. The calculation tools validated by Stichting NMD for calculating environmental performance are stated below.

Since 2 September 2024, the A2 set has been available alongside the A1 set in calculation tools, so that the market can prepare for the transition to calculating with set A2. The official introduction of the new A2 set (EN 15804+A2) and its environmental performance requirements is now foreseen on January 1, 2026, this is subject to outcomes of the legislative process. This will give the sector sufficient time to prepare for the use of the A2 set.

Please note that this information is updated regularly!

Validated calculation tools

Calculation tool Tool Owner  
    B&U     GWW      A1   A2  
BCI Gebouw Alba Concepts V   V V
Dubocalc Netcompany/ Witteveen+Bos   V V  
GPR Materiaal W/E adviseurs V   V V
Ibis voor Milieu Impact Brink Software V V V V
Madaster MPG Tool Madaster V   V V
MPG Toetshulp Bimpact B.V V   V V
MPGcalc DGMR V   V V
MRPI-MPG Tool Stichting MRPI V   V  
WiseBrick WiseBrick V   V V

Click on one of the logos to go to the relevant Calculation tool

Calculation rules

Stichting NMD has formulated calculation rules to clarify and control how the Assessment Method should be converted into a digital instrument. The rules ensure that the calculation tools use a uniform calculation, which provides an unambiguous result for the energy performance of buildings. The calculation rules operationalize the Environmental Performance Assessment Method for Construction Works and are described in the document ‘Calculation rules for material-related energy performance of buildings’ (NL). There is also a document available that focuses on the implementation of the calculation tools in software: Calculation rules: Implementation of environmental performance calculation in software (NL)

Validation and licencing

Before receiving the ‘validated’ stamp, the calculation tools must be verified using a validation procedure; the NMD software validation guidelines. Stichting NMD uses this validation procedure to check whether the calculation rules have been used and whether the Assessment Method and the NMD have been implemented properly in the software.

After validation, the software developer and Stichting NMD sign a licencing agreement. Licencing entitles the software developer to apply the environmental data, for which there is a charge. The next step is to publish the validated calculation tool on the market, where the software developer become an instrument owner. Stichting NMD ensures that information about the instrument is included in the list at the top of this page. 


‘Calculation rules for material-related energy performance of buildings’ (NL) -
Calculation rules: Implementation of environmental performance calculation in software (NL) -

Frequently asked questions Calculation tools

Does the NMD have its own calculation tools?

No, calculation tools are online proprietary calculation software used to calculate the environmental performance of construction works based on environmental data in the NMD. Stichting NMD has formulated calculation rules to clarify and control how the Assessment Method should be converted into a digital instrument. The rules ensure that the calculation tools use a uniform calculation, which provides an unambiguous result for the environmental performance of buildings.

I am a calculation tool owner and would like to use the NMD. What do I need to do?

Before receiving the stamp ‘validated,’ the calculation tool must be verified using a validation procedure. The NMD software validation guidelines. Based on this validation procedure, the NMD Foundation tests whether the calculation rules have been used and whether the Assessment method and the NMD have been properly implemented in the software.
For the use of the entire database there is a one-time entrance fee and in addition annual license fees are charged for the use and for updates of the NMD.

How does one go from a LCA/EPD to an MKI/MPG?

After drawing up an LCA and EPD these data can be added to the NMD, after verification. The environmental data in the NMD are used by several private companies that have developed calculation tools to make an Environmental Cost Calculation (ECI) or Environmental Performance of Buildings calculation. ECI and Environmental Performance of Buildings values can therefore only be made transparent using the calculation tools.

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