PCRs are a collection of specific rules, requirements and guidelines for producing Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for one or more product categories. They are used to supplement the programme instructions, such as calculation rules, scenarios and EPD content. PCRs support LCA practitioners in generating consistent results when assessing products of the same product category. ISO 14025:2010 describes the procedure for developing the verification of PCRs and sets requirements with respect to comparing different EPDs.

There are many PCR-like documents nationally and internationally, with a variety of publishers/managers. As this is so important, it is mandatory that you use PCRs based on the Assessment Method. However, the Assessment Method does not include a provision for the PCR documents, but does refer to the website and to this page.

Criteria for use

PCRs that meet the criteria are adhered to when formulating category 1 and 2 data in line with the Assessment Method and all requirements for verification by recognised LCA experts for inclusion of category 1 and 2 data in the NMD. Use of PCRs should be assessed at all times in accordance with the Verification protocol. The PCRs on this page form the starting point but you can deviate from these if good reasons are given for this.

1. The LCA must adhere to normative PCRs:

1.a      PCR in the form of a fixed normative document. These PCR documents are assessed by CEN/TC 350/WG 3 for consistency in relation to EN 15804 and are published as European standard.
1.b      PCR in the form of final drafts to produce a normative document. These are draft standards that have been issued for a formal vote (FprEN) but have not yet been accepted.

PCRs that meet this requirements are:

Download the list with normative PCRs (version October 2020) (NL) NB. Initiatives for standard development within CEN/TC 350/WG 3 are also stated in the list but only for information purposes. They are not adhered to in the LCA.

List of normative PCR -

2. The LCA must adhere to PCRs that meet the following requirements:

EN 15804/A2:2019 as basic principle, including following the EN15804 chapter layout. You must give an explanation if you deviate from this.

Produced with the support and approval of relevant stakeholders, followed by public consultation.

Managed actively so that people can comment (address must be known) and a response within the foreseeable future can lead to review with revisions being visible.

Passed in the NMD Technical Committee (TIC) prior to publication on www.milieudatabase.nl.

PCRs that meet the requirements are:

PCR Asphalt (NL) (final). The NL-PCR is managed by the Permanent Committee on Sustainability (PCD) of the Department of Bituminous Works (VBW), and questions and/or comments can be directed to the VBW secretariat (vbw@bouwendnederland.nl). All parties aim to update these calculation rules annually.

For the appendices and more information go to the page PCR Asfalt [NL]



3. The LCA does not adhere to PCRs that do not fall under criteria 1 or 2. If known to NMD, these will be communicated during the Recognised Expert Meeting; a meeting for assessors and practitioners.

The Environmental Performance Assessment Method for Construction Works version 1.0 including Amendments (Assessment Method) together with EN 15804 and the standards within this, provide the rules for carrying out a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) within the framework of the National Environmental Database (NMD). It is becoming increasingly clear that additional rules are needed per product category. These additional rules are known as Product Category Rules (PCR).

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