Mandatory documentation category 3 data
For a structurally consistent database, fixed principles are needed to prepare category 3 environmental declarations. Inconsistencies can arise at any process step, even while performing the LCA. By using fixed principles, inconsistent results can be avoided.

In daily practice, many different parties prepare category 3 environmental declarations, partly following their own process and design. By defining and using a fixed set of principles, mainly based on the Environmental Performance for Construction Works Assessment Method, more uniformity is introduced in the database, LCA inventory and background documentation. This will lead to improved data quality and more independently readable and uniform LCA reports.
The figure below shows the current process of preparing, entering and managing category 3 data:

Parties involved
- Stichting NMD: Besides being the manager of category 3 environmental declarations, Stichting NMD arranges the preparation, publication, and updating of category 3 environmental declarations. Stichting NMD collects and compiles the initiatives and feedback from the market through various channels, and implements the project to draft and/or update category 3 environmental declarations on behalf of the initiator by appointing a project leader and being the client. In consultation with the initiator, Stichting NMD draws up selection criteria for implementing parties and manages selection and contracting.
- Initiator: A party that takes the initiative for compiling new category 3 environmental declarations. Initiators for category 3 environmental declarations are limited to government agencies. To actually achieve new/modified category 3 environmental declarations, the initiator is responsible for various tasks & instructions, which are detailed in Table 1. Merely informing Stichting NMD is insufficient to achieve new/modified category 3 environmental declarations.
- Implementing party: Implementing party for the project, usually an LCA/engineering firm with Civil Engineering expertise.
For inclusion in the NMD, the following documentation should be used and/or uploaded via the online entry application.
- Protocol Drafting and Peer reviewing CAT3 environmentak declarations
- Format for the LCA reporting of CAT3 data
Protocol Initiator
The roles and responsibilities of Stichting NMD and the initiator are defined for the aforementioned phases for environmental declarations.
These roles and responsibilities have been established in cooperation with government agencies experien
Initiation phase, data collection and LCA preparation
For the initiation phase, data collection and LCA preparation and peer reviewing, the following protocols apply.
For inclusion in the NMD, the following documentation should be used and/or uploaded via the online entry application.
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