
Report High Level tripartite strategic forum -

On follow-up actions on the communication and action plan construction 2020

Circular Economy -

Principles for buildings design

Brochure Assessment of the Environmental Performances of Contsuctions and Civil Engineering Works (2015) -

Forfaitaire waarden voorverwerkingsscenario's einde leven -
General conditions -


NMD Verification Protocol august 2024 - English version will be available soon -

Environmental performance calculations

Guide to environmental performance calculations -

‘ Practical aid to calculating the environmental performance of construction works’

Toelichting impactanalyse weegset A2, EcoInvent 3.9.1 (Dutch only) -

Handleiding documentatie uploaden bij de invoerinterface van de NMD 3.X (Dutch only) -
Handleiding Productkaarten Reviewen en “ documentatie in de NMD3.0 (dutch only) -

Sjabloon aanleveren cat 1, 2 en 3 basisprocessen als milieuprofiel versie 1.0 -
Sjabloon aanleveren cat. 3 basisprocessen incl. verwijzing versie 1.0 -
Protocol aanleveren processen NMD-processendatabase -

Functional descriptions [NL] -



‘Calculation rules for material-related energy performance of buildings’ (NL) -
Calculation rules: Implementation of environmental performance calculation in software (NL) -

Handleiding Productkaarten Reviewen en beschikbaarstellen in NMD3.X (Dutch only) -
Memo roadmap biogenic carbon - -

Agrodome - Hernieuwbare grondstoffen -

Protocol Opstellen en Peer reviewen CAT3 productkaarten GWW (Dutch only) -
Protocol Opstellen en Peer reviewen CAT3 productkaarten B&U (Dutch only) -
Protocol Initiatiefnemer CAT3 milieuverklaringen GWW (Dutch only) -
Format voor de LCA rapportage van CAT3 data GWW (Dutch only) -
Format voor de LCA rapportage CAT3 data B&U (Dutch only) -
Lijst cat.3 kaarten die in behandeling zijn (Dutch only) -



Minimis verklaring -


Product label NMD - Round -
Product label NMD square -
Product label NMD - Rectangle -
All three product labels in a zip file -

Aanvraagformulier abonnement processendatabase voor LCA-opstellers -
Procedure beschikbaarstelling processendatabase voor LCA-opstellers -

Environmental Performance Assessment Method for Construction Works - March 2022 -

NMD Verification Protocol -

Bijlage: Addendum Verbouw en Transformatie -
Bijlage: Toelichting bij addendum verbouw en Transformatie -












List of normative PCR -
Decisionmodel non-Dutch EPD (ENG) -

Requirements for obtaining MRPI®-EPDs for the Dutch market and inclusion of data in the Dutch National Environmental Database (NMD)

Guide to environmental performance calculations -
Roadmap Perform LCA calculation in line with EN15804+A2 & NMD Assessment Method (A4) -
List with the normative PCRs -
Protocol establishing and managing c-PCRs -
Amendment Sheet 2 for consultation 2024 -

Bijlage: Forfaitaire waarden verwerkingsscenario's einde leven -

Brochure Assessment of the environmental performances -

Of constructions and civil engineering works. TIC versie

A PEFCR for construction works (ECOFYS) -

Benchmarking the environmental performance of construction works and products

Circular Economy -

Principles for buildings design

Report High Level tripartite strategic forum -

On follow-up actions on the communication and action plan construction 2020

Environmentalenergy performance of Buildings_Operational energy use in EPB-MPG -

Amendment sheet july 2020 (in Dutch) -

Amendment sheet Amendment 1 Assessment method 1.0 (in Dutch) -
Amendment sheet Amendment 2 Assessment method 1.0 (in Dutch) -
Amendment sheet Amendment 3 Assessment method 1.0 (in Dutch) -
Assessment Method for Construction Works 1.0 (in Dutch) -



SBK Assessment Method version 3.0, 1 january 2019 (Iin Dutch) -

NMD Verification Protocol v1.1 -

(Including Verification Protocol July 2020 and amendment Feb 2021)


Notitie stappenplan biogene koolstof -
Guideline for accounting for GWP_biogenic emissions -


Stappenplan Biogeen koolstof in LCA (Dutch) -

Overzicht verklaringen hoge MKI-A2 23-09-2024 (Dutch only) -

Amendment sheet 3 (in draft) to Assessment Method version 1.1 -

Overview of environmental declarations to be deactivated in the next 12 months -

Application forms license NMD Process database

Procedure delivery NMD-process database -
Request form NMD process database -





Environmental Performance Assessment Method for Construction Works -

Calculation method to determine environmental performance of construction works throughout their service life, based on EN 15804.

Amendment Sheet Amendment 4 to Assessment Method 1.1 (in Dutch) -