Impact analysis transition set A1 to set A2

As of 2 September 2024, within the National Environmental Database, in addition to the original set A1 data, data from the new set A2 is also available. These data follow the most recent version of the European Standard (EN15804+A2).
More information on the differences between set A1 and set A2 can be found on this overview page.
Because the environmental impact for set A1 is calculated based on 11 environmental impact categories and for set A2 it is 19 environmental impact categories, products have different ECI (environmental cost indicator) scores for set A1 and set A2. Depending on the environmental impact categories that are important for a material, the score shifts differently in the transition from A1 to A2. To better explain these differences and give the market an idea of the expected A2 ECI for their product group, st. NMD commissioned an impact analysis by SGS Search. The analysis covers several case studies for both the Civil engineering and C&U sectors, providing a picture of the changes.
Download the explanation of the impact analysis performed by SGS Search below.