For the set-up and management of a c-PCR to be declared applicable by Stichting NMD and to comply with the Assessment Method, a protocol has been developed by Stichting NMD. This protocol monitors the mutual consistency within and between the various material and product groups when c-PCRs are prepared. It is very important to emphasise that the c-PCR must be a detailed elaboration of the Assessment Method and standard EN15804, without deviating from it.

In those cases where a European (sub)process has already been established for the preparation and management of c-PCRs, it is important that this European (sub)process is followed. 

Protocol establishing and managing c-PCRs -

The application form below should be completed by the initiator of the c-PCR. 


Application form c-PCR


What is the general plan regarding the drawing up of the c-PCR? At quarterly level, please give the planned start of the various phases:

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