Do you want to provide feedback on the Assessment Method, calculation rules or basic processes?

Please use this form to provide your feedback.

Process for gathering input

Input is gathered via the VLCA and Stichting NMD:

  • VLCA (Association for LCAs in construction)

The VLCA is a party that takes the initiative for gathering input from its members and all (recognised) LCA experts. In addition, working in collaboration with Stichting NMD, the VLCA assesses the input and categorises it by subject in accordance with the decision model.    

  • Stichting NMD

Besides managing the Assessment Method, Stichting NMD also controls the (basic processes) database. Stichting NMD gathers and combines the input from users, which is collected actively and also obtained passively. The projects that arise for developing input into concrete proposals for clarification are led by Stichting NMD, after which it implements them itself or has them implemented by the market.      

We will go through the following steps at least once every six months:   

  • The VLCA and Stichting NMD gather input from the market on the assessments/rules around which there is still ambiguity and/or scope for interpretation. If there appears to be a high degree of urgency for specific assessments/rules, then these are given priority in terms of developing the input. 

  • Stichting NMD gathers input relating to clarifications from the various parties within the system via this website, by means of the question form below, and brings this periodically to the attention of market actors (clients, contractors, industry representatives, etc.). Prior to each meeting, the VLCA conducts a written consultation round by means of a survey amongst its members. The VLCA combines the input gathered and feeds it back to Stichting NMD.

Clarification of Assessment Method, calculation rules or data

Your details (in case further explanation is required)

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Stichting NMD collects and combines the information received via the feedback form and via the VLCA and organises this information in a list.

This list is then examined together with the VLCA on the basis of a decision tree. This decision tree helps divide the information into four flows:

  1. Clarifications of the Assessment Method
  2. Clarifications of and/or supplements to NMD’s basic processes
  3. Material-specific clarifications
  4. Clarifications for c-PCRs (Product Category Rules)

*If the information falls into category 3 or 4, they consult representatives from the industry to gain further insight.

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