Consultation 'Dutch supplement to the Product Category Rules NEN-EN 17213'

As previously communicated, the European standard NEN-EN 17213:2020 is followed when preparing LCA calculations of window, window and facade elements. However, this European PCR is not clear on all points. Therefore, the industry associations within the Circulaire Geveleconomie have written a Dutch supplement to it.
The 'Dutch supplement to the Product Category Rules NEN-EN 17213:2020' is intended to provide clarity to companies on principles, naming and solutions for the specific Dutch situation.
Starting point for the Dutch supplement are the European 'Product Category Rules (PCR) according to NEN-EN 17213:2020 and: Windows and doors - Environmental declarations of products - Product category rules for windows and doors'. It clarifies the relationship with the determination method 'Environmental Performance of Building Works' and the Environmental Performance Calculations.
The 'Dutch Supplement to the Product Category Rules (PCR) NEN-EN 17213:2020' is now available for consultation.
You can respond until July 17, 2024 12:00. You can find the consultation on the website
The Circulaire Geveleconomie is an initiative of five trade associations in the facade construction industry: the Metal Window and Facade Industry Association (VMRG), Association of Plastic Facade Elements Industry (VKG), Dutch Trade Association for the Carpentry Industry (NBVT), Bouwend Nederland Vakgroep GLAS with Vlakglas Recycling Nederland (VRN) and Algemene Branchevereniging Hang- en Sluitwerk (VHS). Together with the Ministries of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and Infrastructure and Water Management, they signed the Circular Facade Economy Agreement earlier this year. With the allocation of an investment from the National Growth Fund in the program Future-proof Living Environment for the Circular Facade Economy in 2023, the facade sector is fully engaged in the circular ambitions and CO2 reduction.
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