Overview of changes to the Assessment Method and EPB in the period 2024 - 2025
Overview of changes at St. NMD regarding the Assessment Method and the requirements concerning the Environmental Performance of Buildings (EPB)
Stichting NMD is preparing for several important changes to the Assessment Method and milestones of the NMD. Some of these changes are in conjunction with actions by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations which is working on the amendment proposal of the Building Works Decree (Bbl) and the Environment and Planning Act.
Because the market needs time to get used to and adapt to the changes, there is a transition period between the publication of changes and the effective date.
A number of changes are involved, so we have created an overview page. Here you will find all the information you need about the changes occurring in 2024 and 2025 with respect to the Assessment Method and the requirements concerning the Environmental Performance of Buildings (EPB).
Click on the tabs to read more about the changes.
Please note that the information on this page is regularly supplemented and/or updated.
Changes in 2024
- On 24 April, the public consultation amendment sheet 2 started. This consultation runs until 8 July 2024. The amendments will become effective from 01-01-2025.
- On 6 June, amendment sheet 1 was published (Amendment Sheet Amendment 4 to Assessment Method 1.1) This was available for consultation between 1 March 2024 and 12 April 2024.
- On 21 June, Minister de Jonge's proposal was sent to the House of Representatives.
- On 1 July, amendment sheet 1 was published
- On 8 July, the public consultation amendment sheet 2 was closed. Publication will take place soon after finalisation.
- On 1 August, the new Verification Protocol version 1.2was published.
- On 1 August, amendment sheet 2 was published.
- On 6 August, the process database version 3.9 was released.
- On 2 September, A2 data will be available in the NMD. Read more about calculating with A2 data.
- 2 September: finalisation of validation of calculation tool owners to ensure that enough tool owners are ready for the preparation period during which calculations may be performed with the A2 set data alongside the A1 set data.
- On 2 September, the new entry platform for category 1 and 2 environmental declarations will be launched.
- All category 3 environmental declarations C&U have been enriched with A2 data.
- Consultation amendment sheet 3
- Demarcation and weighting set reference to Environment and Planning regulation
- Publication amendment sheet 3
- The methodological correction biogenic CO2 will be completed by 1-1-2025.
Changes in 2025
- Effective date amendment sheet 2 (1-1-2025)
- Requires delivery of A2 data based on Ecoinvent 3.9.1 and A1 data based on Ecoinvent 3.6
- Change to the transport calculation
- Clarification and updating of calculation rules and scaling rules at product and building level
- Appendix II is replaced by a reference to milieudatabase.nl
- Adjusted calculation for the loss of secondary raw materials in module D
As at 1-7-2025
- Expected entry into force of new version Environment Buildings Decree (Bbl)
- Effective date amendment sheet 3
- For demarcation and weighting set, see Environment and Planning regulation
Publication Assessment Method 2.0, which includes amendment sheets 1 through 3
Frequently asked questions Assessment method
The Environmental Performance Assessment Method (in short, Assessment method) is a uniform measuring method for calculating the environmental performance of structures in an unambiguous, verifiable and reproducible manner. It thus creates a level playing field for all parties involved. The environmental performance of various structures can be compared, with the aim of reducing the ultimate environmental impact of a structure. In the Netherlands, EN 15804 is the foundation of the Assessment Method.
Construction companies calculate the environmental performance of a construction with the Environmental Performance Assessment Method. They use it to calculate the environmental impact of material use. The outcome of this calculation is expressed in 1 number (Environmental Performance of Buildings - EPB (Dutch: MPG) for B&U, Environmental Cost Indicator - ECI (Cutch: MKI) for GWW). This allows developers to see which building components cause the most (negative) impact on the environment.
The Stichting Nationale Milieudatabase (formerly Stichting Bouwkwaliteit) manages the Assessment method.