Example projects with very good environmental performance

MFA Belaveld, low MPG score thanks to reuse 

In Tilburg-North, an old gym will be dismantled and replaced by a brand new multifunctional complex for sports, dance and theater. BINX Smartility has been commissioned by the municipality of Tilburg to design and build the multifunctional accommodation 'Belaveld'. It is a project with high sustainability ambitions, as evidenced by the environmental performance score. The EPB of MFA Belaveld remains below 0.5. This is due in part to the construction team's focus on reusing existing materials (including materials released from the demolition of the gymnasium) and using bio-based building products.

The design, by RoosRos Architects, features two large spaces and will be completed in 2025. One is an exercise box that the elementary school will also use for gym classes. The other space will house a development box. With an area of about 1,000 square meters, the building forms a link between the existing school and the sports and play elements in the park.

Project features

Project name MFA Belaveld
Use function Combination building with sports as main function
Adress Sibeliusstraat, Tilburg
Gross floor area 1034 m2
Buidling service life 70 years
Completion 2e quarter 2025
Client Gemeente Tilburg
Architect RoosRos Architecten
Constructor Christiaens&Wijers
Buidling design BINX Smartility B.V.
Constructor contractor BINX Smartility B.V.
Installations BINX Smartility B.V.
Landscape architect Buro Lubbers
Sustainability advisor abtWassenaar


At its core, Belaveld consists of a skeleton of steel and wood on a concrete foundation and with a roof of steel and wood. Nevertheless, the 1-story complex achieves a very good EPB score (0.492), while the GPR building calculation indicates optimal reuse of materials and the loosenability index (LI) states a score of 49%. Belaveld's sustainability story begins with setting a high level of ambition at the development stage. But actually realizing the level of ambition is a second story.

Although building regulations do not currently include a requirement for environmental performance for this type of building, the municipality of Tilburg, in its capacity as client, set an ambition level with a strong emphasis on circular and bio-based construction and an EPB lower than 0.8. The municipality asked to design a structure based on the principles of the R-ladder and circular design strategies. Reuse of materials and products, likelihood of life extension based on detachability and use of renewable materials gave substance to the award criteria set by the municipality.

MFA Belaveld replaced an old gym. First, the materials released during its dismantling were considered. An important part of the steel structure from the old building was given a new purpose. A lot of wood was also reused. Then, in cooperation with the “Stadsmijn Achterhoek,” the application possibilities of reusable materials were further explored.

“It was a sure search,” states Kim Stekelenburg, construction team leader at BINX Smartility. “But all members of the construction team collaborated on this. The result is worth it. The GPR building calculation rates the reuse of materials and products as optimal. More than 20% of the materials fall into the biobased and circular category.”

“When using biobased materials, it is often still a question whether the quality is maintained over time. The municipality of Tilburg is now enabling us to conduct research. The HSB elements of the exterior facade are insulated with Supafil blow-in wool except for two HSB elements that are blown in with sorghum. This insulation material is made from the stem of grain and is a residual product of food production. The insulation quality of these HSB elements with sorghum, one in the front facade and one in the rear facade, are monitored with sensors.”

Kim Stekelenburg believes that the method now followed to create a sustainable building can be very well replicated in other projects. “We spent a lot of time inventorying the harvestable material from the old building. Even the harvesting itself is intensive, like, for example, de-nailing the used wood. But you can take that into account. All in all, the project did not take much more energy and time than a traditional project.”

Other aspects of sustainability are also being addressed. Belaveld will be connected to a circular water system. This means that gray water will be collected to flush the toilets, for example, or that rainwater will be collected to water the greenery outside.

Important design features


foundation beams, cast-in-place concrete, C20/25, incl. reinforcement and EPS (cat.3); CO₂-poor concrete calculated with Quake calculation sheet (see explanation below).

Main supporting structure

heavy structural steel, design for re-use, incl. conservation
(cat.2); partially reused, taken from old sports building and other buildings;

laminated European softwood, sustainable forestry (cat.3);


in-situ concrete, C20/25, incl. reinforcement (cat.3), CO₂-poor concrete calculated with Quake calculation sheet (see explanation below);
screeds, sand cement (cat.3);

insulation layers EPS (cat.3);

insulation under floors.
ceiling finishes, glass wool tiles(cat.3);

suspended ceiling.

Exterior walls

cladding, European softwood, wax impregnation, sustainable forestry (cat.3), reclaimed;
facade cladding, plywood European softwood, sustainable forestry (cat.3), OSB cladding interior cavity board;

cladding, fiber cement board (cat.3), baseboard;
insulation layer, Knauf Insulation Supafil Maxframe (cat.1), Rd=6.3 m²K-W;
insulation layer, flax wool (cat.3), cannelure filling roof of development and movement box;

insulation layer, XPS (cat.3), skirting board;

insulation layer, wood fiber board (cat.3), Agepan.

Exterior wall openings

insulation glass, triple glazing, uncoated, Bouwend Nederland Vakgroep Glas (cat.2), curtain wall;
exterior glazing HR++, with coating and gas filling (cat.3), folding wall;

exterior frames, European softwood, painted acrylic, sustainable forestry (cat.3);
exterior frames, aluminum fixed and/or pivoting, coated (cat.3);
exterior doors, wood alkyd painted, glass opening 0.85 m² (cat.3), appliance storage and container room;

window frames, untreated wood (cat.3).


SAB structurele diepdekken en liner trays met Colorcoat PE15 familie (cat.1);

dakbekleding, Icopal Universal, mechanisch bevestigd (cat.1);

platdakisolatie, Isobouw Polytop HR Bio, EPS 100HR incl. 10% BioFoam (cat.1);

Interior walls

wood, laminated European softwood, sustainable forestry

(cat.3), studs and rails interior walls;

paneling system walls, non-load-bearing, plywood, European softwood parts (cat.3);

cladding system walls non-load-bearing, gypsum board (cat.3);

cladding system walls non-load bearing, MDF (cat.3), ceiling shower rooms;

ceramic tiles, glazed/glued (cat.3), wet rooms;

interior wall insulation, Knauf Insulation MW35 (cat.1);

door, HPL, obtuse, TS (cat.1);

interior window frames, wood alkyd painted (cat.3).

Heat generation

heat pump, water-water, 4 to 162 kWt (cat.3), ground source heat pump capacity 30 kW;

heat pump, water-water, 3 to 4 kWt (cat.3), booster heat pump for hot water, output 4 kW;

solar water heating system, individual solar water heater, collector and storage tank (cat.3);

DHW system, electric water heater, CW4-6, 120 liters (cat.3), reused.


mechanical supply and return with CHP unit (cat.3), system D3, central CHP, CO₂ control on supply and return.

Sanitary installations

toilets, porcelain (cat.3);
shower facilities, plaster blocks and tiles (cat.3).

Drains outdoor sewage, polyethylene (cat.3).


Explanation of foundation: Based on information from the market, the actual environmental impact of the concrete applied on the job was approximated. The starting point for the approximation was an EQI of 11.46 per cubic meter of concrete for the piers, foundation beams and concrete floor. To realistically include these concrete compositions in the calculation, the environmental impact of the concrete mix was converted to a product present in the NMD. To meet the above assumptions, BINX, together with Heidelberg Materials, applied ECOCRETE 20 C20/25 XC1 F4 CEM III/B 42.5N.


MKI en MPG-score nieuw te bouwen  MFA Belaveld te tilburg
berekend met GPR-Materiaal versie 5, productendatabase NMD, versie 3.0, productendatabase 10 juli 2024.

A Productiefase 30.408  0,420
A Constructie fase 1.210 0,017
B Gebruiksfase 10.272 0,142
C Afdankfase -1.551 -0,021
D Buiten gebouwlevensloop -4.725 -0,065

